Our classes.

  • Centered Slow Flow

    This class focuses on consciously returning to and building both strength and connection at your core center. We will move slowly through a series of fluid postures with an emphasis on linking breath to movement, while relieving tension in the body, holding stretches and moving mindfully. We will focus on activating the parts of the body that support stability, both physically and emotionally. This can help deepen and grow our practice while tapping into an inner strength and stability. This class can help improve posture, relieve fatigue, alleviate back pain and tone the belly.

  • Coffeehouse

    Start your day with a class to help nourish the full spectrum of your mind, body and spiritual wellness. We begin with breath, core work and a flow moving toward peak poses and sequences. Complimentary cup of our signature Soulful AF coffee after class to keep you energized for the rest of your day. This class is all about connection - with yourself and with community!

  • Gentle

    Sequenced with physical postures and breathwork, this class is perfect for setting or strengthening the foundation of your yoga practice. Experience the basics of yoga while embracing the philosophy of being gentle, slow, and mindful with the body. As we get to know the mild side of asana (postures), we open the door to a whole new side of ourselves. This class is all about connecting to your body and spirit.

  • Gong Nidra

    Ease tension, balance your nervous system, quiet your mind and unwind from your busy week with restorative sound healing and guided meditation. Simply lie comfortably in Savasana as you are guided every step of the way to a point just before sleep. Then, experience a bliss state as you are enveloped by healing vibrations of the beautifully melodic sounding gong. This profoundly relaxing practice has been shown to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, cultivate balance and positive change. Forty-five minutes of practicing Gong Nidra is equivalent to about four hours of deep rejuvenating sleep.

  • Heart & Soul Flow

    This class combines both movement and stillness. The first half of class we will explore movement to light the fire from within and to loosen up tension in the body. Then we will come to our mats so you can surrender and let go of tension in both body and mind. You will leave class relaxed and ready to take on whatever life hands you.

  • Kids Yoga

    We pose, we play, we listen, we dance, we make beautiful music… and most importantly, we explore. Your little yogi will get to practice fine and gross motor skills, social and group skills, and begin to learn mindfulness and breathing/calming tools. We invite your babies as early as age 3 and as old as 10. Let’s make magic together.

  • Kundalini

    Kundalini Yoga is a potent technology which amplifies the awareness of your own infinite potential. Through a combination of breath work, mantra, movement and meditation, you will awaken your energy, de-stress and optimize your life.

  • Meridian Flow

    During this class we’ll begin with a slow paced yoga flow leading into longer held postures to help build body awareness. We will explore the meridians, which are our bodies energetic pathways, and practice self acupressure points that help target movement with in the pathways. Targeting the meridians can help provide fascial release and emotional balance.

    Expect to leave feeling refreshed and more regulated.

  • Refresh & Flow

    This beginner-friendly flow style class practices foundational poses for a mind-body connection refresh. After settling into our mats with some grounding practices, we will start with light stretches leading into a classic or modified sequence of sun salutations in order to warm the body. That basic sequence will be the flow practice throughout the majority of class, modifying as needed, and ending with accessible poses like Warrior 3, Tree, Eagle, Half Moon, in order to build our stability and strength as you take classes.

    We will end with a yin wind down of holding seated stretches until sweet savasana. This class is designed to give you permission of movement, moments of calm, and a feeling of being refreshed in your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Slow Flow & Meditation

    This class is designed to provide a comfortable space for a 30 minute guided meditation, all are welcome!

    To start, we will move our bodies and breath slowly through sequences of seated postures, and light standing transitions for the first 30 minutes. Emphasis on linking breath to movement, holding stretches and moving mindfully to relieve tightness or tension. Hands on adjustments, and free unguided movement are welcome, as well as a variety of props to use for comfort.

    The last 30 minutes will offer a guided meditation with intentions to connect to our magic inner world we all have within. Class will end with occasional aromatherapy or singing bowl to close the meditation. Feel free to bring a journal. You will leave class with a sense of inner peace in your mind, body, and spirit. 

  • Sound Healing with Reiki

    Relax to a shamanic sound journey with reiki with the one and only Brien Egan. Throw on your coziest clothes and grab your fuzzy socks. This is a transformative experience you won’t want to miss.

  • Sunday Settle In

    Moving from one week to the next can be difficult and often feel like Groundhog Day when you don’t allow yourself to settle into the soft spaciousness that exists within you.

    This class is intentionally designed to create an anchor point in your week so you can release the tension and tightness from one week and open up space to embrace what the new week has to offer you.

    This class is a combination of soft gentle movements and restorative postures all so you can create a point of coherence that enlivens and enriches your daily experiences and deepen your internal connection with Self.

  • Yin

    This is a slow-paced practice focused on applying moderate stress to the connective tissues – tendons, fascia, and ligaments – with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. Most stretches and poses are mat based and tend to be held for longer periods of time. This meditative approach to yoga helps cultivate awareness of one’s inner stillness.

  • Yin with Myofascial Release

    Myofascial release is a technique that involves applying gentle pressure on to the myofascial connective tissue restrictions, knots in the body, in order to reduce or eliminate pain and restore motion.

    We combine the pressure of therapy balls with yin yoga poses to help balance the flow of energy, chi. In yin yoga, we hold poses for minutes at a time to stretch & compress the deeper tissues in the body. Combining Myofascial techniques and yin poses will open the body and increase blood & energy flow which promotes freedom of movement, causing feelings of relief & relaxation.

  • Yoga Pilates Fusion

    This class beautifully combines the mind body awareness of yoga while cultivating space for pilates based movements to awaken and strengthen the subtle and structural muscles of our body.

    The warm heat of pilates compliments the graceful stretch of your yogic practice in wonderful ways.

    Yoga, like a big sister, encourages pilates to listen to the wisdom of your body, allowing you to find your own footprint in practice, making your mat a safe space to explore and grow.

“The Soulful Place is such a gem! Amanda has created a peaceful, soothing oasis where all are welcome to experience yoga and community.”

— Liz